Monday, January 13, 2014

My little book review - Thirteen to None by Claude Bouchard

Forget stars, this book should get the moon too.

I can no longer say I am a just a fan, I am obsessed!  This series only gets better and better.  Claude Bouchard has a No Holds Barred attitude and it shows as soon as the first few pages.

I have often wondered how to really express what his writing is like and I finally got it.  Picture someone seductively pulling you close as if to tell a dirty little secret, slowly and provocatively so.  As soon as you are within kissing distance you are YANKED so your ear is to their lips and the person menacingly says 'Do I have your attention NOW?'  Yep, that's what it is like reading his books.

Thirteen to None shocked me.  He took some of the innocent, loving and kind characters and Rambofied them!

Let's get to the nitty gritty:

The worst scum that could be born... is born.  This foul creature is the epitome of evil.  He gathers up a crew of misfits and heads out create chaos and mayhem.  On the long list of crimes he added invading homes preferring those with the home owners still in them.  He finally picked one that could be listed as the worst place to invade.  The Barry's!  I admit I was waiting for the usual Vigilante crew to kick bum, make some really bad guys disappear off the living grid but the author, twisted writer that he is, took me for a spin.  There is no way you will be able to put this book down.  Once I was done with the book I was up until late just thinking of the whole plot and outcome.  I had to remind myself....It's a BOOK!  But it's not just a book, it's character growth, increase of plot, action and suspense.

I won't spoil it, I won't say more of the story, I want to, I've retyped this review many times because I found I did.  I will say... Thirteen to None gave my year a roaring start to getting my read on.

If you have read his previous installments you will be shocked.  If you have never read his books you will get hooked.  No matter what, be prepared for the seductive pull that will grab your attention and get you hooked.

Get to know the author -

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My little book review - Suddenly Sorceress by Erica Lucke Dean

Get Ur Read On!!!!!

Suddenly Sorceress 800 Cover reveal and Promotional

I have been a fan of Erica Lucke Dean's writing for some time now.  From her blog vampire stories, to her personal blog, to her book To Katy with Love.  When I read through the social media buzz and her blog that she was in the works of another book, I was excited.  To watch an authors writing grow is fascinating.  It seemed like forever before a cover reveal of the book.  The title was enticing and I couldn't wait.

Finally, with the New Year the book would be out.  I was fortunate to have signed up to the Red Adept Publishing book tour for Suddenly Sorceress as a reviewer.  I got a copy a little earlier.  I had to fight the urge to read through it as fast as possible.  I fought the urge to stay up and keep turning the pages.  I wanted to let the story unfold slowly and enjoy in pace this book.  That was down right hard.

The title itself is brilliant.  The story is actually of a sequence of events that suddenly changes the life of Ivie McKie.  Ivie is a character you can't help but bond with and enjoy.  Her quirky thoughts, hilarious misfortunes and ways of handling disaster will make you laugh out loud.  Seriously... out loud.  Oh and the other characters... *swoon*

Jackson Blake is someone that any woman would just swoon over.  You just root for this guy and his brother.

Chloe is just the kind of friend most of us have.  We wonder why we put up with them and realize it's because they put up with us and both enjoy it.

Like many woman in the midst of troubles she turns to her mothers wisdom.  Ivie isn't different, rather her mother Rose is.  The relationship she has with the wacky yet lovable mother is page turning worthy.  You just need to find out what the story is with this woman.

All the characters in this book were created and formed with such wonderful personalities you can't help but feel it's a diary more so then a book.  You are there along side Ivie as she finds that she is not who she thought she was and that she was racing time... to get answers and a solution.  Even her cat Karma has quite the personality.

Poor Ivie doesn't understand all that has happened after her fiance breaks her heart.  All she knows is that her fiance is now the cause of a stench in their home and terrible feeling that the skunk in her sight is the start of a whole lot more trouble.

The full circle effect in some of the sub stories in this book is brilliant.  Pay attention, every character whether two legged or four have a large effect to Ivie McKie's new view to life.

If you are looking for a book that takes you out of the mundane day to day, this is the ticket.  It's the ticket to a ride that will leave you exhilarated, erotic, laughing, hopeful and dare I say it.... feeling like magic is possible.

So hop on over to Red Adept Publishing page (see link below) and choose a platform, purchase the book, set the phone to vibrate (*grins*), dim the lights and let yourself be taken to Suddenly Sorceress.

Check out the Author -