I loved the first installment and this second book to the Jewels of Desire Series was even better.
I love how they turned the tables and made the woman a Sassy, In your face, intelligent yet quirky, sexy fighter. Rambunctious to the core even her guards think she is a handful. Definitely a good twist of a plot Red finds herself in a tricky situation and takes full advantage of it. She certainly does the same with Will.
Why I love it
The title alone is a play on words and it gives light to the story. The playful yet tough banter that is in this story kept me turning the page. Most of the characters from the first book pop in and out of this story and I love it. The start, the meat and potatoes of it and the ending. OH yes, I loved the ending.
Red Callaghan is tough, smart and pining for the wrong one that is until she meets the young man that will turn her night and nightie inside out.
Will Alexander is not so tough, super smart and just trying to right a wrong, so what if that entails a little illegal entry. Only it goes wrong and some more wrong. About the only thing that goes right is the steamy sex and the fact that he may not be tough but he's no wimp either.
Plenty more characters but who cares? These two just keep you focused.
What happened?
Well now you have to read the book but let me ramble a bit. It has sex, burglary, sex, explosion, sex, bantering, sex, not so fast getting to know you, sex, run in the night and changes of plans and did I mention sex? Let's not forget crime boss Daddy!
I may love my history, paranormal, thriller and suspense reading but sometimes I like that quirky and quick read that just takes my mind out of the woes. This book is a quick read but not too quick. Enjoyable, erotic and a pace that picks up from book 1 without beating the same plot to death. Gotta love how these 2 authors just keep this series going.
GetUrReadOn and get it with Ruby Ransom - here's how - http://www.amazon.com/Ruby-Ransom-Jewels-Desire-Book-ebook/dp/B00LDF9RJG
About the authors - http://www.cinnabarsilk.com/ruby-ransom/
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my book! :)